Eat, shop, And Cook Like A Holistic Nutritionist, effortlessly.
I love that, like me, you value your health and believe that what you eat impacts how you feel.
This isn't always about curing a disease or illness; sometimes, it's just about feeling better, feeling more "yourself".
If you and I sat down for a coffee (or a shot of fire cider), I bet we'd have a lot to talk about.
If we're just meeting, hello! I'm Olivia—a holistic nutritionist and whole food cook.
I believe that eating well is the most basic form of self-care. When you eat in a way that aligns with your absolute best and most vibrant self, you're providing your mind and body with the foundations for success and goodness in every aspect of life. And frankly, that’s exactly what you deserve!
I'm here to guide you in eating, shopping, and cooking just like a holistic nutritionist.
I teach whole food cooking and create easy everyday recipes that are as delicious and beautiful as your favourite restaurants, with an emphasis on sugar-free ingredients and holistic wellness.
I'm meticulous about the ingredients I use—and don't use. My views on food and what constitutes "eating well" are well-defined.
You'll never hear me say "everything in moderation." The truth is, some foods are terrible for you and should be avoided entirely. You deserve better.
The good news is that good food gives us our essence of life. It's our closest connection to our environment—and for some, to the universe itself.
Real food springs from the earth, enters our bodies, and is broken down into components that become us: our enzymes, hormones, skin, and tissues. These are the very building blocks we need to be alive and to thrive.
Every day, we have the choice of what and how to consume food. These aren't just boxes to tick—they're opportunities to bring health, joy, love and vitality to every aspect of life.
Food is powerful.
What you eat makes a difference—to your life, your family, the earth, and your community.
So what do I mean by “good food”?
My number one philosophy is to eat whole foods as close to the earth as possible.
Locally grown plant foods are a big part of this, and you'll find these a lot in my recipes. And it also includes high-quality animal foods like wild fish, pasture-raised eggs and chicken (meaning the chickens live on pasture), and grass-fed meat that's been fed its traditional diet.
Tip: If a food doesn't have a PR team or a package screaming why you should buy it, it's probably a good choice in my opinion.
You see, food holds energy, and I’m not talking about calories here. I’m talking about the energy it holds - if a food product is cheap and nasty, produced by a big manufacturer with only profit in mind, or it’s been modified and treated to last longer than you on the shelves…. You take on that low vibe energy, and the health outcomes of a poor diet too.
and no amount of expensive powders and supplements can outperform a foundation of eating well. It's a bonus that this way of eating is incredibly fun, delicious, and uncomplicated! It’s also something you can do for life, no matter what stage of life you are in, or where you are. This is exactly what I'm here to show you.
As a holistic nutritionist, I love using food therapeutically once a solid foundation has been established.This may be a low carb diet to treat insulin resistance, it may be gluten free to manage auto-immunity, or removing sugar to improve symptoms of depression.
Food can be this powerful!